Do security cameras actually work? Here’s why you should absolutely get one

If you are the type of person to take responsibility for every action (& inaction), you need to install security cameras in your house or business as soon as possible. Contrary to popular belief, security cameras are integral in preventing crime rather than identifying perpetrators after the incident. According to several studies, even a fake surveillance camera installation in a strategic spot can prevent crime. The following are some cases where there is ample proof that security cameras are an excellent first line of defense. Let's have a look. UNC department of criminal justice and criminology: The University of North Carolina Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology surveyed 422 burglars in Ohio, Kentucky, and North Carolina. It was found that almost all burglars took security cameras and surveillance systems very seriously. 60% of burglars did not attempt break-ins at places having security cameras and alarm systems and 50% of them said they would leave i...